Thursday, April 12, 2012


[:1]Cap locks and screaming gets attention.

Death strike can be extremely cheap when glyphed.. Its a huge heal for such little effort, all you need is a frost rune and an unholy rune and whalaa, you got yourself atleast a 15% heal.

Worst of all,

Death strike spam DKs.... My god, so annyoing... They don't apply diseases, they don't use offensive ability's (other than RP ones), no, no, that would take precious death strike runes! They can barely do any damage, but they are nearly invincible to kill (Ok i'm exaggerating a little but you get the point)

SO how to fix? instead of just a plain nerf in healing done, I'm thinking they should just bring back the need to have diseases on your target for your death strike to heal! I mean come on, why did they take that off? Any DK who isn't horrible should have both diseases on their target at all times anyway!
I think it should be something like, 5-7% health per disease when glyphed. (minimum)

Problem 1: DKs rely on death strike, there's not always a chance to keep both diseases up!
Fix: I know this would be a problem as a DK tank myself, simple fix, stick "Causes your death strike to no longer require diseases to heal" in a talent.

Problem 2: Unholy DKs would be healing a ton with 3 diseases!
Fix: Simple. Just make 2 diseases the max heal.

Problem 3: If Boiling Blood (DK tank set bonus that counts as two diseases) stacks with other diseases (which I highly doubt it will) DKs with that set bonus will have OP healing with 4-5 diseases!
Fix: Simple. Just make 2 diseases the max heal.

Also, I think it should be a 10% heal tops (minimum) glyphed, and instead have a higher maximum. Like up to 30-35% of the damage sustained in the last 5 seconds to make it more rewarding to use wisely during burst damage. (though didn't it usto be 35%? was prolly nerfed for a reason.)

Discuss. Opinions? Ideas? Problems?

Edit: >>> I should add the real issue this causes, why its aggravating me and why its causing a problem as it is: Arena stalemates. When arena becomes one on one with melee classes like lets say DK VS DK, one DK decides hes going to spam Death Strike. Problem is hes outhealing the DK trying to actually fight, but not doing enough damage to kill the other DK. People do this in arena to prolong fights to try to get the other player to give up.<<<<

Recuperate rouges are also known for doing this...
insert "Y U NO" guy picture here.
But seriously, why? My head hurts now, thanks.
insert "Y U NO" guy picture here.
But seriously, why? My head hurts now, thanks.

Hey I'm Mr. T, and IM A NITE ELF MOHAWK.

Lol, great of you to notice my class. Yes, I rolled NE on Ally. Switching to horde though, so don't worry. (Not picking BE :\)
Obviously your post is in reguards to pvp. And more so it seems duels because you show a very limited arena experience with him.

I'll assure you the current death strike mechanic is the only reason why any spec of dk is viable atm in 3s. Without it they would be the auto FF target of any comp anytime. Dks blow up so fast in 3s its absurd. Sorry the game isnt balanced around 1v1 or 2v2. Learn to adapt. Get a bit more pvp experience under your belt before you start blasting your own class.

If you truely feel the deathstrike is OP you need to offer a way to help dks survivablity because without it they would be a joke in arenas. I say without it because with your "concept" what do frost dks do? They never put up more then frost fever? So every min they can heal with deathstrike through outbreak? If they spend the runes to put up both diseases then again you just decreased the survivablity of dks, who already have a hard time surviving outside of death strike.
Cap locks and screaming gets attention.


Discuss. Opinions? Ideas? Problems?

Discuss. - No reason too.
Opinions? You should quit wow!
Ideas? Remove this thread!
Problems? I wasted time reading this!
Death strike spamming dks are not invincible. If they can't touch you they can't heal worth a #$%$. Blood dks are almost a 100% kill one my druid I bleed then kite.

Control a dk and you will win...
Lol @ blood i agree undeaddk

All specs are not too bad to kite unholy is just the worse of the 3. Frost lands in the middle.
I like it how it is :)

All specs are not too bad to kite unholy is just the worse of the 3. Frost lands in the middle.

Unholy Dk's can be kited....? I don't even know where to start, There the one's generally kiting.
lol Im saying its OP because of a few experiences in

Obviously your post is in reguards to pvp. And more so it seems duels because you show a very limited arena experience with him.

I'll assure you the current death strike mechanic is the only reason why any spec of dk is viable atm in 3s. Without it they would be the auto FF target of any comp anytime. Dks blow up so fast in 3s its absurd. Sorry the game isnt balanced around 1v1 or 2v2. Learn to adapt. Get a bit more pvp experience under your belt before you start blasting your own class.

If you truely feel the deathstrike is OP you need to offer a way to help dks survivablity because without it they would be a joke in arenas. I say without it because with your "concept" what do frost dks do? They never put up more then frost fever? So every min they can heal with deathstrike through outbreak? If they spend the runes to put up both diseases then again you just decreased the survivablity of dks, who already have a hard time surviving outside of death strike.

If you read my post, I never once said Death Strike was OP, I said if unholy DKs could heal 7% with each their 3 diseases it would be OP and that if Boiled Blood stacks with diseases it would be.

I know I said "nerf" in the title, trying to make it attention grabbing XD but its not really a nerf, its more of a... less spam-able, more thinking required change. Its the way it usto be, im asuming it was changed because of Blood Tanking reasons when cata hit.
Frost is pretty damn faceroll enough since 4.1 because you dont even need to worry about turning your blood runes into death runes anymore, hell, you don't even need to look at the rune bar anymore! And frost DKs get max Obliterate damage from having both diseases up anyway.
And im talking from my 3v3 experience when a few times its just me and a DK up and all the other DK does is spam death strike, of course im not going to die to a DK like that, they don't do enough damage to keep you down but they take forever to kill too. Im talking no diseases, no obliterate, just keep death striking me and heal spamming...

But mostly the first thing I said, Its not really OP, its just cheaply spam-able to prolong arena battles when it comes down to 1 on 1 with melee classes... lol same with recuperate spam, ever see a rouge know he cant win so he just spams recuperates and hides over and over trying to prolong the battle until you give up?

Death Strike = DK doing zero damage.

You know, kinda like druids shifting into bear to become invincible? Or warriors hopping into defensive stance + self heals to become invincible?

I really don't see how it's unbalanced.
Death Strike = DK doing zero damage.

You know, kinda like druids shifting into bear to become invincible? Or warriors hopping into defensive stance + self heals to become invincible?

I really don't see how it's unbalanced.

Read above post, its unbalanced because they don't do damage and don't die. Result? Stalemate. DKs and Rouges do this most in arena to try to prolong the battle forever until their enemy gives up. There not in it to be OP and kill, just to cheaply stall the battle.

Arena shouldn't be a game of "YOU QUIT FIRST!" "NO, YOU QUIT FIRST!"
See the thing is that Blood DKs need DS to heal in PvE, Death strike uses the same runes as diseases which means less death strikes which means less DK tanks living which means less DK tanks which means no reason to have the blood tree. Not to mention on multi tank fights other tanks can put up the tanking debuffs so why should blood dks be forced to be sub optimal so glorified BG heroes can feel better about wining what is one of the most unbalanced PVP games I've ever seen

See its insane clashed like this which shows that blizz's attempt to make wow a 'competitive' e-sport was a terrible idea.
Death strike can be extremely cheap when glyphed.. Its a huge heal for such little effort, all you need is a frost rune and an unholy rune and whalaa, you got yourself atleast a 15% heal.

One must use a Major Glyph to remove the set up costs which is no different from other Major Glyphs such as hungering cold. Also, if you think the ability is too powerful, I suggest you lead by example and remove the two glyphs you've used to boost it.

Worst of all,

No, it has resource requirements that are longer than a GCD, at best you can get perhaps 6 Death Strikes out if you blow your cooldowns before it is on a timer, an utter waste of time.

They can barely do any damage, but they are nearly invincible to kill (Ok i'm exaggerating a little but you get the point)

Necrotic Strike Spam > Death Strike Spam. = Invincible as a corpse.

SO how to fix?

Necrotic Strike. Learn it

Also, I think it should be a 10% heal tops (minimum) glyphed, and instead have a higher maximum. Like up to 30-35% of the damage sustained in the last 5 seconds to make it more rewarding to use wisely during burst damage. (though didn't it usto be 35%? was prolly nerfed for a reason.)

So will you be offering reductions in heals for other classes to compensate for your class unbalancing ideas?

Edit: >>> I should add the real issue this causes, why its aggravating me and why its causing a problem as it is: Arena stalemates. When arena becomes one on one with melee classes like lets say DK VS DK, one DK decides hes going to spam Death Strike. Problem is hes outhealing the DK trying to actually fight, but not doing enough damage to kill the other DK. People do this in arena to prolong fights to try to get the other player to give up.<<<< Recuperate rouges are also known for doing this...

Once more, I introduce you to Necrotic Strike.

I am a little surprised that no death knights above even mentioned it, but then again they are all pointing to the conclusion that Death Strike is not over powered.

Alas, the OP is from Argent Dawn so it appears to make perfect sense that they craft such an erroneous rant.
Have you ever tanked as a Blood Death Knight?

All specs are not too bad to kite unholy is just the worse of the 3. Frost lands in the middle.

Unholy Dk's can be kited....? I don't even know where to start, There the one's generally kiting.

If an unholy dk wants to play the kite game with me i'll gladly allow it because my bleeds do far more then his DC and disease. Easily. I kite them to keep the deathstrike spam to a minimum, its not too hard unless you get caught in a set of desecrations.

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