Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Frost - 2H or DW for PVP?

I noticed dual wielding has like a 20% miss chance for white attacks, is that a big deal? I play with the Swordshattering rune because I can't stand being disarmed for 8 seconds, being able to death strike while my healer is CC'd has saved my life countless times. With DW I could have the disarm rune and the fallen crusader rune, I imagine the 15% strength buff is pretty powerful. Also, I think I remember Killing Machine only works with one of your weapons, is that still true? Dual wielding would also require 3 talent points taken from some other useful talent.

I need help deciding which weapon type is better.
Also, which rune would be best paired with disarm on the other weapon?

And if I wanted to use two dps runes which would be best?

Would Cinderglacier or Razorice be better than Fallen Crusader?
I am also very interested in the answer to this. I want to be effective in Frost PvP, but I also like variety. If I 2h blood, I'd prefer to dual frost. But effectiveness comes first.
Basically, I'd like to know:

2H or DW
Presence to use for above
What runes to use on the weapon(s)

I've been reading it's still 2H + Unholy Pres + Fallen Crusader, but a lot of those posts are 4.0.6.
I DW in RBGs and don't notice much of a difference except I don't generate as much runic power, which can be a problem.
What you have read still remains true with 2H+unholy pres+fallen crusader. DW will have high damage white hits...but 2H pans out to be better for pressure and overall damage in a pvp setting due to greater runic regen. Also, more talents are left free with a 2H setup in order to go for 1 min strangulate cooldowns (for ticking healers off) OR desecration (for ticking EVERYONE off). Whereas the 1H spec pretty much requires 6 points in the frost tree that 2H does not.

I am not the expert on DW frost but have been playing frost 2H in pvp since before it was cool. Right now the obliterate crits are off the charts and fun to watch.
Disarm really sucks for 2H frost...but that is a good time to use chains and kite if you did not prepare beforehand with a swap to a swordshattering wep.

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