when 4.1 hit alot of my simple macros stopped working, such as these two.
/cast Raise Dead
/cast Death Pact
I would just mash the macro to until my pet was sac'd. but now, it will cast raise dead but wont cast death pact on continued mashing.
/cast Outbreak
/cast Icy Touch
This was my opener macro, and would cast outbreak when it was off cooldown, otherwise it would just cast icy touch. now all it does is cast outbreak when its off cooldown, but wont cast icy touch at all.
These 2 are just an example, as i have multiple simple macros like these across my characters that have stopped working.
How do i need to change macros such as these to get them working again?
/castsequence [reset=60] Raise Dead, Death Pact
/castsequence [reset=59] Outbreak, Icy Touch
I don't know if the 2nd macro will actually continue to cast Icy Touch more than once, but if it doesn't, just add more Icy Touch's after the last one.
ah i see, thank you.
another question has struck me. does the macro reset 59 seconds after its pressed for the first time, or does it reset 59 seconds after it was last pressed.
After it was last pressed, apparently.
Try a smaller number and see how that works for you.
edit: Alternatively, just use a modifier on the macro to cast one of the spells.
ok, thanks.
the way i have my keybinds set, kind of prevents me from using certain modifiers.
1 2 3 4 5 q e r f
Alt+1 Alt+2 Alt+3 Alt+4 Alt+5 Alt+q Alt+e Alt+r Alt+f
Shift+1 Shift+2 Shift+3 Shift+4 Shift+5 Shift+q Shift+e Shift+r Shift+f
AltShift+1 AltShift+2 AltShift+3 AltShift+4 AltShift+5 AltShift+q AltShift+e AltShift+r AltShift+f
and CTRL is saved for pet abilities.
so say i have an alt modifier macro on button 1, and i press alt+1 instead of the game pressing one and using the alt modifier in the macro, it presses my alt+1 key instead.
but thats a personal issue i have.
Thank you for the help.
I ran into the same problem when trying to assign modifiers. The way I worked around this is try to make as many buttons as possible stay in the same spot (Death Grip for example was Shift+3). so I added an alt modifier and made shiftAlt+3 my focus death grip.
don't forget about g by the way :P Another way to work around this is to just buy a naga :P I'm ordering one here soon
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