Al-tho critting under geared clothies for 50k Obliverates is fun, I find this spec to be interesting to say the least. Any word on arenas above 2500 playing this spec? I find that reforging mastery, spamming necrostrike, HB, and froststrike dump is actually pretty good. Not including the 1 min CD on Strangulate, its very nice for chopping healers. When i'm being focused it's difficult to keep up tho. If I need to go defensive its fairly easy with succor because of those death runes.. I can get in 1 extra death strike with blood tap easily. I don't like not having a pet stun, but I can deal I guess. Since they nerfed the macros and I have to bind leap and gnaw its really annoying. I wanna hear everyone else's thoughts...
I switched to Frost after the buff and saw marked improvement, could just be that I'm bad and Frost is easier to play but meh.
BTW, if you like NS/FS spec you should look into an oblitless spec.
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