Monday, April 16, 2012

Unholy PvP Guide for Patch 4.1?

I have looked all over the web for updated unholy guide that has good info it needs priority/rotation list and spec. Greatly appreciated if anybody could contribute info or tell me such a guide.
Still no answer..? Bump
Really you shouldn't use a guide becuase your only lvl 65. Which means you have played 10 lvls as im am guessing unholy. So give your self some time and pvp as much as you can and you will understand whats good agians't other classe's and what the prioritys would be and btw there isn't really a rotation for pvp to be honest just use what the situation calls for.
Deleted by Houndini
Honestly, you don't have most of the tools you'll need for a proper dps rotation. A basic priority for you would be:

Keep Diseases up
Cast Death Coil if RP is capped
Cast scourge strike if you have 2 unholy runes up
Cast Festering strike if you have a pair of blood/frost runes up.

Honestly for the content you'll be doing keeping to the first 2 will do you fine.
Thanks for the info everyone. What I meant though is a guide for a level 85 so when I reach that level I'll know where to find a guide.

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