Monday, April 16, 2012

Taking crap for my choice in tanking weapon

More and more people have been giving me crap for using Heroic Seliza's Spear for tanking...anymore I don't try to explain that it really is a great DK tanking weapon.
Am I wrong in this opinion and has anyone else getting the same from other players?

I'm ok with that. Until you get to do raids.
its alright, it is much more preffered if it had strength vs agility
The agility is what makes it good. Agility gives us more dodge than strength does for parry. Assuming you don't have problems with threat.
Nope, that is BiS pre-raid.
If it's random players tell them they're dumb and /ignore. Or jsut ignore them if you wanna be nice about it.
If it's guildies... tell them they're dumb and if they wanna theorycraft a DK tell them to make one themselves and do it. You're fine.
Thanks for the replies. I guess I have been getting a lot of ignorant people lately
even if it's good, it's just goofy cause 1. its a polearm and 2. has agility. Shouldnt be good imo. But it is so w/e D=
It's fine. Just work on getting Akirus since that's BiS as far as I know. Unless my DK friend has been lying to me again...

On a side note: Akirus is crazy easy to get. Magmaw is kind of a joke.
Yes pre raid that polearm is BiS, the agil=dodge/crit (avoidance/threat) less threat then str but more avoidance then str, and the Mastery on it is what makes it so beast tho.

But yea magmaw is a joke, can be pugged, get that 2h When you can.
Idiots will be idiots.

Point-per-point, agility > strength. The other stats are also better, as well.

Ignore them.

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